Why Are We Afraid?


Why does that which is in our minds eye frighten us so

That shimmering possibility

That expanded sense of self

Why are we afraid?

Why does that which is in our minds eye frighten us so

That shimmering possibility

That expanded sense of self

That living openly

That Living freely

Why does it frighten us so?

Why do we expend so much energy keeping the nightmare alive?

To keep that suffering going

To keep that story alive


Is it because we do not believe?

Is it because we lack faith?

Have we forgotten our innate greatness?

That created in Gods image we are capable of so much more

That to live in quiet servitude is not our lot

That to release this fear is to release the world

From the bondage of separation

From what holds us back


Take a breath


Really breathe


Fall apart

Let the story go




Feel it

Really feel it

Collapse as the story leaves

As that mass of energy leaves



Sleep like you will never wake

Feel the tiredness of having held onto a lie

For so long

For so many years

Tired carrying this burden


Lose the sense of self

Lose you



Something stirs

Like the dawning of a new day

I rise

I open my eyes

I stretch

I yawn

I am not me

At least not as I was

A rebirth?

Something differs in me

I am not me

As the day dawns

A new possibility stirs in me

I want to say so much more

I want to do so much more

To make a difference

To be

Now I can

Now I can

The ghosts of the past are gone

I have so much to say

The open road beckons

Will you travel with me friend?

Will you hear my stories?

My musings

My thoughts

My heart laid bare

My truth finally revealed