This Play of Words, This Symphony Divine (Cette symphonie divine)
/This play of words, leading to futility. A necessary exercise in failure for which the reason cannot be known. Maybe by pointing, someone will go past my words and realise the word is not the thing.
Why is fanciful explanation needed? Why do we so wish to overcomplicate things? Is it because the mind wants kudos, that, in its cleverness, it was able to produce the most accurate description of reality and therein lies the problem. In our attempt to know this, we have built huge edifices to truth. We appointed ourselves as custodians, and then, in that final act of arrogance.
That there is no way but this way. That this is the final and ultimate truth. After this, there shall be no more. Heed our warning or you will be in peril, and you will have upset our God, who will strike down upon thee in terrible vengeance.
The innocence of the heart objects; is this realisation not our birthright?
Blasphemy; blasphemy is heard from the pulpit. How dare you question our omnipotent God. Even though we secretly know we have created this false God. So, we condemn and go to war and yet that innocence, the beautiful child, that timelessness, dances amongst us immune to slander, knowing no pain or lie. It is our moment of vulnerability, the intimacy when we are alone, this sweetest of symphonies, whirling away in the sweetest abandon.
Constantly reminding us,
Remember who you are.
Remember who you are.
(Inspired by Shostakovich Waltz No2)