Trusting life, trusting what you are.
/We are conditioned to do, to rush and yet our natural way of being functions with such efficiency
that everything we need or desire or wish to do is totally taken care of. Some of the greatest insights
in history have come from a place of trusting and inspiration and yet even though we know all of this
on a theoretical basis, very few trust that life will provide.
So, we have ever increasing numbers of people enslaving themselves. Whether it is in that job they
hate, that relationship that no longer serves them or any number of ways which dims their own
personal power.
Why then do we do this?
I recently had the pleasure of meeting an incredible woman. We conversed on a range of topics and
our conversation consistently kept coming back to the idea of conditioning. What interested me was
whether generational conditioning patterns that no longer served us could be eradicated. During
the conversation I used the following phrase:
“Your blood will betray you”
It was said in the context that we cannot escape what we are. If we are from say a good family, it
doesn’t matter if we end up in the worse neighbourhood in town. Our breeding, our conditioning
and who we are will always come to the fore. This made me wonder are we then destined to
continuously live our stories and those of our families. I concede that this doesn’t hold in all cases
but in this situation it was the most relevant statement to make.
Going back to the conversation. This woman was a practising stoic and it was evident in all aspects of her life and yet she displayed a certain flamboyancy which was also evident in her. Even though it felt like she was trying to hide it.
One night during our conversation in a moment of insight she cursed and followed it with the following statement
“what could I have done”
Our conversation had concluded and yet a new one had formed in my mind. Can we be truly free of our conditioning or are we destined to be enslaved to it. What was interesting was the insight this statement provided.
I feel the goal is never to be totally free of our conditioning as there are certain programs which support us and, in the rush, to be totally free, we can wrongly believe we have to reject a lot of what makes us.
And yet there are aspects which carrying through generations have enslaved us. Programs which can prevent us living a life of meaning.
How then to balance this and to be free of negative conditioning and yet enhance the conditioning which helps us
In accepting our contradictions and allowing them to be and allowing them to arise as they do. We find great freedom in what we are. We are able then to see what supports us and what can be let go. What can be enhanced and what can be changed. This living in our openness lets us look at this existence impassively and make the necessary changes. Each designed to allow us to constantly reveal ourself to ourself. Healing then occurs as only when we are truly aware of our true nature can we be free of what no longer supports us. It also allows us to live in an empowered way. Being able to at every instant to be in the moment. We can then make sense of our stories, our reactions, our thoughts and feelings and see how each instant is constantly pointing to itself and how at any instant our stories, conditioning and reactions are an invitation to awaken and rest in our true nature.
That even when I was seeking, I was that which I sought
And even in journeying I was right here and now
So, what was the conclusion of the woman I met. A flamboyant woman who is a stoic, what a contradiction and yet what a gift to the world. In embracing our entirety, we realise we are everything and this knowing and the humility that arises helps us realise our true nature - that we are not a single drop but the ocean entire…